Adversus Blog: For call centers

Don't Waste Your Good Leads: Use Your Data Intelligently

Written by Brian Pedersen | Jul 14, 2020 12:24:27 PM

Can you get too much data? The short answer is "yes"! The long answer is "no, but..." It's all about knowing whether to keep or toss your data concerning your leads. And when to use it to your advantage.

Build a funnel and track your leads' behavior to assign them a lead score. This way, you'll know precisely when they are ripe for selling.

Does this approach make selling easier? Most likely. However, does it guarantee more efficient sales?

Not necessarily.

It simply means you're focusing on relevant leads rather than cold ones.



Let me highlight the brilliance of having a sales funnel structure that incorporates cross-channel marketing and tracks lead activity using a scoring system. At Adversus, we utilize this strategy daily while engaging with potential clients.

It plays a crucial role in reaching out to the right customers, ensuring we don't bother those who may not find value in our product. This approach helps us focus on relevant interactions, making our outreach more effective and respectful.

But there's a catch. 

I've witnessed numerous companies invest heavily in creating a solid sales funnel and effective marketing strategies, only to treat their leads with minimal attention.

If a lead says "no" once, they are instantly labeled as not being hot leads anymore and are discarded. In some cases, they might be put back into the marketing campaign, starting the entire process from scratch.

I strongly disagree with this approach because it risks throwing away valuable opportunities. The sales process doesn't become more efficient when you spend a fortune on leads only to treat them with a "there will be more tomorrow" attitude.

Let's use the analogy of comparing leads with apples: Imagine you're harvesting apples, and typically, only the ripe and spotless ones are picked, while the rest is discarded. However, consider the potential of using those "less than perfect" apples to make a refreshing apple juice or a mouthwatering apple pie.

The sales process is undeniably data-driven, but there's a classical mistake many make: they overlook the critical last part of it. They forget to tap into their data and harness the potential of lukewarm leads. Just like you can make excellent apple juice with apples that aren't spotless, there's hidden value in these leads that can be unlocked with the right approach.

Don't let valuable leads go to waste; with the right approach, they can still be turned into something great!

Get the Most Out of Your Lead Pool

You might see an improvement in your conversion rate, but is it truly enough?

Often, the answer is "no," especially when considering the cost per converted lead and the limited pool of new leads in your market. This situation calls for creativity in finding new ways to generate leads.

But before diving into entirely new leads, take a moment to consider the potential within the leads you've already invested in. Instead of the traditional "buy and throw out" approach, there's a high chance that with a fresh perspective and a different approach, you can unlock more value from them.

You might be thinking, "I already know this; don't waste my time." However, just because you're aware of it doesn't mean you're handling your hot leads effectively.

Even if you work with data professionally, there's always room for improvement. Setting legal considerations aside for a moment, the significant question remains: How can you be sure that you're not calling leads blindly but instead maximizing your lead pool by using the available data?

So, how do you take it a step further to ensure that your data-driven sales approach is not only data-driven from the start but also follows through the entire process?

The answer lies in three words: Planning. Planning. And more planning.

1. Activate Your Leads

It's a common blunder to invest numerous resources in lead generation and then overlook their activation.

Activating your leads promptly is crucial; wasting them would be unfortunate. Don't wait to upload leads daily or weekly; ensure they're added to an automatic flow immediately.

Think about segmenting your lead data into various flows, not just based on lead score but also different interactions with the leads. Analyzing your data can reveal which interactions yield the best leads.

2. Find the Right Timing

Hot leads are undoubtedly what we aim for, right?

They are much easier to handle compared to cold leads. But it's not just about obtaining hot leads; we also want to maintain their heat or rekindle interest in cold leads.

Timing plays a crucial role here. Observe your performance at different times of the day and allocate resources accordingly. This applies not only to making outbound calls but also when planning callbacks.

The simplest approach is to identify when most calls are answered, when sales are at their peak, and which interactions lead to satisfied customers who stay loyal.

While you might excel at certain times, if customers quickly leave after the call, it might indicate a need to revise your strategy. Keep in mind that customer churn can be influenced by various factors beyond just timing, such as unclear product communication.

To improve your sales calls, consider using an AI-based tool such as Capturi. By carefully listening to sales calls at every stage, you can decipher the winning formula for what to say and how to say it, leading to better outcomes.

3. Follow-up

Are you actively doing follow-ups? Creating a meaningful dialogue often requires more than one call. But the real question is, do you persistently follow up after the initial contact, even if you miss each other multiple times? Or do you get easily drawn towards the allure of new, hot leads?

It's essential to remember that the leads you miss during the first few attempts can easily slip through the cracks and be forgotten if you don't establish a systematic approach, such as setting up reminders or tasks to ensure timely follow-ups.

Having a tool that sends you callback reminders or automatically adds leads to new campaigns can be incredibly beneficial. For instance, if you have a lead that is difficult to reach during regular working hours, you can set up a campaign specifically for "Calls after 5 pm" to ensure you don't miss the opportunity to contact them at a more suitable time. This way, you can keep track of your follow-ups and engage with leads effectively.

There are numerous ways to automate follow-up processes. 

4. Match Your Leads With the Right Salespeople

Segmenting your leads and assigning them to the right salespeople can take you a long way in improving your sales process.

Pay attention to patterns and tendencies among your salespeople. Some may excel in specific types of sales. By closely monitoring their performance and analyzing call data, you can identify these strengths and optimize your overall success rate.

For B2B sales, consider breaking down the sales process into multiple steps based on your agents' skills. For instance, those skilled at cold calling can turn cold leads into warm or hot leads, while top-performing salespeople can then close the deals. This strategic approach can lead to better outcomes and more effective sales conversions.

If you let your agents do what they're best at, they're more motivated and more successful.

5. Enrich Your Leads and Add Them to a Loop

Ensure your leads stay fresh and relevant by dynamically enriching them with data. Set up an automatic process using triggers that activate your leads when they're ready. This way, you can avoid manual efforts and prevent any leads from slipping through the cracks.

Enrichment can involve tagging leads with specific reasons for their initial disinterest. For instance, if the product was deemed too expensive, you can reach out again when there's a discount offer. Alternatively, consider contacting the lead after a month with a "light version" of the product, offering an opportunity to upscale later.

The right tools can undoubtedly make your job easier and enable smart data utilization. However, keep in mind that tools alone won't guarantee success. Knowledge, patience, and a deep understanding of your business are equally crucial in turning those leads into fruitful results.


Here are some final tips:

  1. Remember that data is a tool, not the end goal. Prioritize necessary and relevant data to improve your sales. Enrich your leads only with essential information, and if data isn't actively used, consider deleting it.

  2. Don't try to do everything at once. Focus on one or two areas, set up efficient workflows, and test your strategies. Be ready to adjust as you spot patterns and trends.

  3. Utilize automation tools to streamline your processes. This not only saves you a ton of time (excuse the expression) from managing multiple Excel sheets and manual tasks but also reduces the chances of human errors.


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