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What Are the Biggest Sales Myths?

Written by Brian Pedersen | Oct 1, 2020 6:04:59 AM

Many sales myths portray the ideal salesperson, which can give the wrong impression to newcomers. But what are the biggest myths, and how do you differentiate between myths and reality? Let's dive in!

#1 - If You Are a Seller, You Can Sell Anything

Well, that seems to be highly unusual. At least in my practice, I would acknowledge that as a myth. Even the most powerful and successful salespeople sometimes fail. All leads are different - because they're human - and that's why the same approach doesn't apply to all. It also depends on what the salesperson is trying to sell.

Sales representatives often specialize in a few products or services they thoroughly understand and can sell with expertise. The idea of being able to sell anything to anyone is quite challenging and is more likely an exception rather than the norm.

Selling successfully requires understanding the needs and preferences of individual customers and tailoring the approach accordingly. So, while being a great salesperson is valuable, it's essential to acknowledge that selling anything to anyone is not a guaranteed feat.

#2 - The First Impression is Crucial

Of course, the first impression is significant, but it's not crucial. It depends on the case and situation. For instance, if it regards small sales, it can be of the utmost importance since the communication between you and the potential customers usually is short-termed. But when looking at more extensive sales, there is no significant correlation between call openings (first impressions) and successful results.

But, but, but... Don't overlook the importance of manners and politeness when making your first impression and during the ongoing conversation. 

#3 - Sale Skills Are Something You Are Born With

You'd be surprised that this affects many salespeople. If you're convinced that you have to be born with the skills, you don't give yourself any room to fail - and that's something every salesperson does at some point. Being a sales representative is like any other profession, requiring hard words, studying, training, continuous improvement, and growth. Don't think that the ''sale talent'' appears from nowhere. It needs to be developed and purified all the time. No one can rest on their laurels when it comes to sales.

#4 - Call Scripts Make You Sound Like a Robot

Many companies and call centers use call scripts to ensure that the agents do not misinform the lead and streamline the sales process. Using a script as a guideline when making a sale makes you sound like a click-and-play recording isn't always true. It depends on how you're using it.

The problem occurs when you provide your agents with a script without the proper training beforehand. Instead, educate your agents as much as they need and use the script as a guideline instead of a "text to speech"-solution. The script will then work as a safety net, which your agents can always look at when in doubt.

Creating the perfect script can be tricky, but it can help make your agents feel safer and more comfortable on the phone and eventually give you happier employees.

#5 - Focus Only on Your Big Customers

If your strategy solely focuses on pursuing fewer customers, don't expect a substantial increase in your revenue. Wondering why your revenue might be impacted? Well, it's because attracting big customers is not easy, and closing deals with them tends to be much longer.

When you concentrate all your efforts on targeting big customers, you're essentially putting all your eggs in one basket. Just imagine the consequences if one of your highly valued, big customers churn. It could significantly affect your business. That's why it's essential to strike a balance by acquiring both small and big customers.

Treating each customer as your most important one is crucial. Every customer contributes to your income; neglecting any of them would be a mistake. Ensuring a focus on both large and small customers will lead to a more sustainable and diverse revenue stream for your business.

And... Did you ever consider that more customers = more people = more opinions = more reviews? Word of mouth is one of the most important and trustworthy forms of marketing, and this will enhance your chance of receiving exactly that.

#6 - The More Calls You Make, The More Sales You Make

Many calls do not mean many sales. You can make hundreds or thousands of calls and have 0 new customers in the bank at the end of the day. That's not only demotivating but also a waste of resources.

Indeed, sales involve dealing with numbers, but fixating solely on reaching a specific number of calls per day can prove counterproductive. It might divert your attention from potential customers who are genuinely interested because you're too focused on meeting the call quota.

Instead of rushing to make 80 quick calls just to hit a target, consider a different approach. Invest your time in making 30 quality calls, where you genuinely engage with the customers, actively listen to their needs, and take the necessary time to understand their requirements. Adopting this thoughtful approach will lead to more successful sales compared to merely pursuing quantity over quality.

#7 - Only Extroverts are in Sales

Many people still believe that salespeople are extroverts; easy to talk to, and have social personalities. In many companies, before hiring a sales rep, managers ask for a personality test to identify if they're dealing with an introvert or extrovert. There's just one thing: Not all salespeople are extroverts! 

Being a good salesman is about consistent learning, improvement, and growing - like any other specialization. Being an extrovert might work as a nice bonus for you, but there is an incredibly large number of salespeople that are introverts and still ace the sales job.

Professional salespeople are active listeners. They will try to follow every word you say while using different methods to keep your attention and meet your needs and requirements.